Wednesday 7 November 2012

Love And Pain
Anne Kramer and Mike Hendricks

I got Given this book to read by Anne on twitter so had no idea what to expect but i enjoyed reading the book and thought it was a heart warming story and also an effective way to help promote Breast cancer awareness!

Ming has just graduated from med school and has her whole life ahead of her! living in California she has plans and ambitions to become a doctor and open her own surgery but her plans are halted when she experiences pain in her breast, thinking it is nothing Ming goes to have it checked and discovers she has stage one breast cancer. the book follows her journey through surgery and therapy, her climb to get her dream job and her experience of finding love.

I really enjoyed the book it was heart warming seeing how her family and friends all pulled together to support Ming. i would like to have seen the book expanded  a bit more so you have more information about how Ming was feeling going through this experience but as the book is short i thing the descriptions that are detailed in the book are adequate. The book is a lovely read and can be read rather quickly has it is only 104 pages.

I enjoyed seeing the lifes of all the characters play out. I loved Mings brother Aiden as he reminded me of my own and in someways adds a funny side to the story which is in contrast to the serious side of Ming having Breast cancer. I thought Ming was a very strong and outgoing and loved following her story!  I look forward to reading A Promise to Love and see what is next for her!

I would recommend this book i think it puts forward a serious situation that has effected nearly everyone of us! I think the book puts forward the point that Breast Cancer can be beat and i found it scary that i am in the same position as Ming was and it is scary how quickly your life can change but also heart warming and how many people are there for support. I look Forward to the next one!!


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